Preparing your space

The change in listening attitude, as defined earlier, is significantly shaped by the environment in which you intend to engage in deep listening

For your deep listening sessions, we strongly recommend the following:

  • An Undisturbed Environment: Reserve a peaceful and uninterrupted space for the entire duration of your deep listening session. Ensure that your device is in ‘Do Not Disturb’ mode, and that no unexpected interruptions can disrupt your listening experience.

  • A Comfortable Setting: Make sure you can lie down comfortably and stay warm. Keep an extra blanket nearby in case you get cold (the body tends to cool down when resting in a horizontal position).

  • Alertness: Choose a location other than your bed or areas associated with sleep. Deep listening invites an active and curious state of mind. Consider using a yoga mat or a dedicated space for this purpose.

  • Eye Mask: An eye mask is a simple yet powerful tool to guide your attention inward and eliminate visual distractions.

  • Quality Sound Equipment: Opt for your best headphones or a high-quality stereo sound system. Avoid using cheap earbuds that may compromise the depth of your listening experience.

  • Clean and Organized Space: Ensure that the space you choose is clean, organised, and welcoming. A tidy environment reflects the focused mindset you aim to cultivate during your listening session.

  • Meaningful Objects: If you have objects or photographs that align with your intention for the session or hold personal significance, consider having them nearby to enhance the depth of your experience.

  • Pen and Paper: Keep a journal or paper and a pencil within reach. This can be useful if you wish to jot down important moments of your experience or express your feelings through drawing after your listening session.

For those seeking audio equipment recommendations, this article has a number of recommendations for therapists selecting music equipment that can also be used as a resource to select music equipment for personal use.