Your Guide to Wavepaths

Welcome to your guide to Wavepaths music!

The Wavepaths platform is designed to support your therapeutic practice and increase the likelihood of positive outcomes through music. This guide will explore the healing potential of music, how Wavepaths works, and provide guidance on preparing yourself for your upcoming sessions with our music.

What is Wavepaths?

Wavepaths delivers meticulously curated music experiences exclusively designed for therapeutic purposes. Building upon a foundation of rigorous scientific research conducted by our founder since 2011, our approach is finely tuned to amplify the therapeutic impact of your sessions. We achieve this by considering the following key elements:

Your musical language

Ensuring that the sounds and instruments played for your session resonate with you.

Your medicine or modality

Supporting you at each different phase of your experience as it unfolds.

Your therapeutic intentions

Taking you on a journey through the subjective experiences you need or want to explore.

Your listening style

Inviting you to subtly shift your usual way of listening to become more supportive of your therapeutic intentions

Music can be a potent therapeutic tool, capable of elevating the efficacy of your treatment significantly. Leading research demonstrates the pivotal role of personal resonance with the music and the listener’s willingness to fully embrace the musical experience. These factors consistently correlate with more positive therapeutic outcomes.

Wavepaths sessions are a departure from the one-size-fits-all playlist approach. Instead, each session is meticulously crafted in real-time to cater specifically to your individual needs. No two sessions are identical, ensuring that each experience is a fresh and unique journey, brimming with novelty. On top of this, our adaptive technology allows your care-provider to change different components of the music in real-time, such as emotionality, intensity, function and instrumentation.

We collaborate with a diverse team of over 25 exceptionally talented musicians, all of whom specialise in crafting exclusive compositions tailored just for you. We have curated our team of musicians carefully to ensure they possess a profound understanding of the deeply personal and intimate nature of your therapy sessions. You can learn more about the gifted artists behind your customised soundscapes here.

Learn more about Wavepaths 

Listen to Mendel talk about why Wavepaths exists (1 minute) or read about our founding story.

Learn more about Wavepaths’ purpose and why we exist.